Family and Estate Monuments
There are many ways to honor a life. Your family’s legacy can live on in the design of a family or estate monument. Family and Estate Memorials generally are designed for three or more people. Many families desire a larger cemetery lot so that a family monument may be placed as the focal point and often will be seen with separate memorials as a way to honor each individual.


Ross Black Geometric Triangle Shaped Modern Monument

Ridge Red Granite Memorial with Bronze Boxer Dog Statue

Colonel Sanders Memorial with Bronze Bust

Haddad Marble Monument

Courtenay with Cross Design

Edwards Celtic Cross

Corjay Gray Memorial with Large Vase

Smiley Classic Memorial

Riehm Marble Memorial

Brown Memorial with Inlaid Etching

Bennett Gray Memorial with Column Design

Walker Bronze Letters on Boulder Bench Memorial

Webb Beautiful Large Vase

Priest with Bronze Birds

Oller Black Variegated Memorial

Hall Lesch Monument with Duck Inlaid Etching

Kleinert Variegated Granite Boulder Memorial with Bronze Art an Letters

Hanson with Cross

Chen Gray Memorial

Christ Carrying the Cross Sculpture

Hahn Ice Stunning Blessed Mother Marble Memorial

Price Gray Memorial

Wood Memorial

Stivers Family Memorial with Rose Carving

Decof Memorial with Bench and Column

Wills Booker Cross Memorial

Allen Grand and Classic Family Memorial with Large Flat Ledger

Rice Black Granite Family Memorial

Oller Family Black Memorial with Beautiful Vase